Turning over
a new leaf.

An agri-tech aeroponic industry for fresh and sustainable farm produce in Jersey.
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Farms of the future will grow up, not out.
_Strange but true.

Picture this: towering rows of fresh greens, rising up into the sky like a jungle of nutrition. Every leaf, every stem, bursting with vitality and life. This is the future of farming, and it’s happening right now.

The Strange Farm is where innovation meets agriculture, using the latest high tech vertical growing systems to deliver fresh, sustainable and pesticide-free farm produce, 365 days a year. With climate-controlled aeroponic technology, The Strange Farm can grow more food in less space, with fewer resources and all without sacrificing taste or quality.

The Strange Farm is in its pilot phase and launching in a 40-foot shipping container in Jersey. This modular and scalable system can expand to further containers or unused glass greenhouses.

_Our products.

Holy Shoot!

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A picture of the Strange Farms salad packaging.

_The Problem.

Food production will need to increase 70% by 2050 (UN)
Land use is a key concern in the future of food production. Solutions are needed to feed a rapidly growing population in an increasingly unstable climate, with less resources.
The high environmental cost of food items
According to a recent report in the Jersey Evening Post, 74% of the vegetables sold locally are imported. The carbon footprint of transporting food products to Jersey is enormous.
Low yield from conventional agriculture
Traditional farming methods result in low yields with 20-40% of crops lost annually to pests and disease (UN), reducing profits and increasing food costs.

_The Strange Farm Solution.

Less space
Vertical farming is compact. We grow crops using a small footprint and new technology to increase efficiency, which is perfect for an island with limited space.
Lower environmental cost
Our farm uses 90% less water and fertiliser and no pesticides. Our products are ‘farm to fork’, delivered locally, with low carbon emissions and minimal food miles.
Higher yields
With new technology our farm products have a high yield rate, all year round. As a result, we grow healthy, strong crops up to 200% faster than existing methods in Jersey.

_One Strange Founder.

Portrait shot of Benji Strange, the founder of Strange Farms.
Benji Strange is a highly-motivated professional with an impressive track record in sustainable geothermal energy.

As the ex-CEO of a clean energy business, Ben led the global development and application of pioneering drilling technology to enable affordable and sustainable geothermal energy.

In 2021, Ben sold his ownership stake in the business to an investor. As someone who believes strongly in sustainability through innovation, Ben is highly driven to be part of a greener future, building on clean, smart new technology as an agent to empower global change.